I'm not going to tell you what you can or cannot eat, and I'm not going to get into the whole business of health food (whatever that is), or organics, I'll leave that up to you. The only scope of this blog is to get your weight to where you want it to be and to be able to sustain that weight for the rest of your life.
I do however have a few suggestions and again, these worked well for me, they may or may not work for you. But if they don't, hopefully they will at least spark some ideas.
I suggest that "right out of the gate" you don't make any huge changes in what you eat, just eat smaller and smaller portions. If you have read my blog from yesterday and have done your homework, you've figured out how many calories you want to eat each day to reach your target weight. Those calorie amounts will have a great deal of influence on what you eat also.
Don't deprive yourself, if you have a craving for something, by all means have it. Just be aware of the calorie amount and the amount of it you eat.
What worked for me is: the biggest percentage of my meals is lean protein. Steak instead of hamburg, skinless turkey breast instead of ground turkey, center cut boneless pork chops instead of sausage. I don't want to offend any vegans, vegetarians, or any religions, I'm a meat eater and these are just suggestions. If your main source of protein is Tofu, that will work too. I'm not saying never eat hamburger or sausage, I'm just saying that most days I stick with lean protein, that keeps my calorie intake lower, and I have plenty of calories to spare for lunch and dinner.
That's right, on many a morning I've eaten a 3 ounce steak for breakfast. It fills me up and sticks with me until lunch. Also, I'm not sluggish after I eat it, lots of energy. Throw in a half of an orange, and that's a good breakfast. My secrete weapon though is egg whites. Again, I don't want to offend anyone, this is just a suggestion for those that eat eggs. Egg whites are around 16 calories each, when I was starting out I would spray a butter flavored cooking spray into a non-stick pan and throw in five egg whites and cook them up on medium low to the consistency of scrambled eggs. Garnish with a couple slices of tomato and I would be full, only spent around 100 calories and got some good protein to boot.
Second: Fresh fruits and vegetables. I used to think I could eat all I want of these, but they too have calories. Some more than others. I try to eat something green everyday. I don't know that you need 5 servings everyday like the government says, but I eat at least one serving of them a day, sometimes I eat more, sometimes less depending on what I'm hungry for.
Third: Sweets, yeah I have a major sweet tooth. Probably my biggest down fall. Eating lean protein actually helps a lot with cravings. Also, after I have my dinner, I eat a piece of good quality dark chocolate, 44 calories, and I just let it melt slowly in my mouth and savor every bit of it. This is huge because it tames my sweet tooth.
These are some ideas to get you started, I'll touch more on this topic in future posts. I hoped they helped. Again, if you have any questions or suggestions, please post them and I will respond the best I can.
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