Thursday, October 14, 2010


OK...You're still with me. Good.  You can set your journal up whatever way works for you. I have mine broken down into breakfast, lunch, dinner,  and snacks (yeah, I eat snacks).  Next to those columns is a column for calories. I record whatever I eat each day, no matter what it is. Even if it doesn't have calories (like red wine vinegar on my salad) I still record it, just put a zero in the calorie column. You can eat or drink anything you want so there is no pressure to cheat. Be honest with yourself, if you eat or drink it, write it down. I don't record the water I drink though, you can if you want.  Writing everything down is probably the hardest hurdle to get over when starting weight management. But once you start, it becomes second nature. I can't stress enough how important this step is.  I've heard this for years, but I was stubborn just like you and thought I could manage without writing everything down. I was wrong.

So if you have your journal  and your ready to start writing everything down, then congratulations! You've just overcame the biggest obstacle to a thinner you. 

Reminder: There are previous posts for you to read if you haven't already. And there is a box for questions and suggestions.

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