Friday, February 25, 2011


Well, I've been on this weight loss program since last July (the longest I've ever stayed on a regimen I believe), and I've noticed something. Now, I don't know if this will happen to you or not , but I thought in case it does I would mention it. Now, I've told you about being consistent, staying on the program, and exercising regularly and changing up your routines to keep it interesting and to get through plateaus and you'll see results. That is exactly what I did and for 6 months I saw great results, then I hit a plateau.  I took my own advice and changed things up, made it through the holidays, then went through a very emotional time and came out alright. Pretty much stuck to the program (with a little time off for emotional healing). I hadn't gained weight, but hadn't been losing either. It seems that whatever I was trying wasn't working anymore. I got a little nervous because  I didn't feel comfortable in lowering my calorie intake any lower, I didn't want to make myself sick so I decided more exercise was in order.

First, what I needed to do was to get back into the aerobic condition I was in before the holidays, and then slowly build from there. I didn't want to do too much too soon and injure myself or make myself so sore that I didn't want to continue. But now that I'm slowly building up my aerobic condition, I've noticed that I'm starting to  lose again. I didn't think that would occur until I reached my pre-holiday condition and started adding more cardio.

So, I guess my point is, when it doesn't seem like you're making progress, just keep plugging away. Maybe weight loss comes in spurts. I'm sure there may be some medical reason for this but like I said before, I'm no expert or physician. If you are like me,  after you see great results at first you get excited and you want to be thin as soon as possible. Then when the results quit coming, you get discouraged and give up. What I'm saying is, when you get to this point, don't give up, keep plugging away. Be patient.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


We all do it, we all have ways in which we deal with the struggles of everyday life. Some people smoke, some people drink, some people self-medicate with prescription drugs, some people hold up in hotel rooms with strippers and porn stars and snort copious amounts of cocaine (I won't mention any names), and some people over-eat, or as we call it in our house stress eat.

My wife and I have just been through a very trying ordeal. We experienced the death of someone close to us, someone in the family. Through this ordeal we have turned to our vices to cope. I haven't been counting calories and we haven't been going to the gym. We have been feeling guilty, but then I thought to myself, we need this time to heal, to reflect, to let our souls mend. I haven't been going crazy with food, but I'm sure I've consumed more calories than I needed. I haven't gained weight, but I haven't lost weight either. We feel sluggish and achy and tired from not going to the gym and  from not eating the proper foods. But, I think this is a necessary step. I feel that when we are burdened with grief and/or  huge amounts of stress, it is actually good to step back and take a break, slow down and let things get back to normal.

The important thing is to recognize that you are using your vice to cope with your current situation, don't feel guilty about it, but don't linger there either.  Get back on the plan and get back into good routines as soon as possible. You'll know when you are ready.

My wife and I plan to be ready on Monday, the day after the Super Bowl. We pick the Steelers over the Packers, 21-17.